Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/DC/N1/1/2 Act 1766 Enclosure Thorpe Marsh South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/108/1 Extracts from Journal of House of Commons relating to the passage of the Inclosure Bill through Parliament Feb-May 1766 Enclosure Thorpe Marsh South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/108/2 Award 1768 Enclosure Thorpe Marsh South Yorkshire
P56/9/A5 Award, copy 1877 Enclosure Tickhill South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/190 Award extract late 18th century Enclosure Tickhill South Yorkshire
UD/TICK/9/1 Award, copy 1766 Enclosure Tickhill South Yorkshire
UD/TICK/9/2 Memorandum book listing to whom land was allotted late 18th century Enclosure Tickhill South Yorkshire
DX/WALK/2/59 Act 1765 Enclosure Tickhill South Yorkshire
DX/WALK/5/14 Copy of 1766 award 1877 Enclosure Tickhill South Yorkshire
DX/WALK/5/15 Copy of 1766 map early 20th century Enclosure Tickhill South Yorkshire

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