Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/TB/4/217 Conveyances and abstracts of title relating to royalty rents in the manor 1800-1889 Deeds Hebden North Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/217 Conveyances and abstracts of title relating to royalty rents 1800-1889 Manorial Hebden North Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/216 Manorial land 1873 Maps/Plans Eggborough North Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/216 Sale plan and particulars for freehold and copyhold manorial land 7 Jun 1873 Sales Catalogues Eggborough North Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/216 Schedule of title deeds and abstracts of title relating to freehold and copyhold manorial land 1830-1935 Deeds Eggborough North Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/216 Manor 1873 Maps/Plans Hensall North Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/216 Abstracts of title and other deeds relating to freehold and copyhold manorial land 1830-1935 Deeds Hensall North Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/216 Correspondence, deeds, inland revenue forms, sale particulars and other items relating to freehold and copyhold land 1830-1935 Manorial Hensall North Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/216 Sale plan and particulars for freehold and copyhold manorial land 7 Jun 1873 Sales Catalogues Hensall North Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/216 Abstracts of title, inland revenue forms, correspondence and other items relating to freehold and copyhold land 1830-1935 Manorial Eggborough North Yorkshire

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