Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DP/6156-6163 | Building control plans of Shadyside | 1925-1926 | Maps/Plans | Hexthorpe | South Yorkshire |
DP/6165-6168 | Building control plans of properties | 1925-1926 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, St Ursula's Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/6166 | Building control plan of houses | Jul 1925 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, St Hilda's Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/6169-6173 | Building control plans of properties | 1925-1926 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, St Agnes Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/6174-6178 | Building control plans of properties | 1926 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, St Anne's Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/618 | Building control plan of windows for Earl of Doncaster | Aug 1906 | Business | Doncaster, Bennetthorpe | South Yorkshire |
DP/6180-6191 | Building control plans of properties | 1923-1925 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, St Anne's Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/6192-6220 | Building control plans of properties | 1923-1926 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, St Hilda's Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/620 | Building control plan of Deaf School | Apr 1907 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Leger Way | South Yorkshire |
DP/620 | Building control plan of Deaf School | Apr 1907 | Schools | Doncaster, Leger Way | South Yorkshire |
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