Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DP/2002-2005 Building control plans of Hexthorpe Road 1914-1922 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DP/2844-2876 Building control plans of Norborough Road 1914-1922 Maps/Plans Wheatley South Yorkshire
DP/1267-1276 Building control plans of properties 1914-1922 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Cleveland Street South Yorkshire
DP/466-472 Building control plans of properties 1914-1922 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Baxter Gate South Yorkshire
DP/4476-4481 Building control plans of properties 1914-1922 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Waterdale South Yorkshire
DP/4506-4510 Building control plans of Wentworth Road 1914-1922 Maps/Plans Wheatley South Yorkshire
DP/4581-4588 Building control plans of Windle Road 1914-1922 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
P/ARCH/1/19 Copy deeds relating to coal mining 1914-1925 Deeds Hooton Pagnell South Yorkshire
SD/4/6 Evening Institute Managers' minute book 1914-1929 Schools Bawtry South Yorkshire
P8/2/B6 Correspondence regarding redemption of glebe lands 1914-1930 Tithe Misson Nottinghamshire

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