Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DX/WALK/2/35 | Act | 1799 | Enclosure | Moorgate | Nottinghamshire |
P16/9/A1 | Award | 1783 | Enclosure | Moss | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MZ/62/O/2 FILM 2 | Agreement for the enclosure of 12 acres of land | 1716 | Enclosure | Moss | South Yorkshire |
DX/WALK/2/57 | Act | 1785 | Enclosure | Newton | South Yorkshire |
DX/WALK/2/18 | Act | 1789 | Enclosure | Normanby | Lincolnshire |
DX/WALK/2/41 | Act | 1802 | Enclosure | Norney | Nottinghamshire |
P15/6/2/3 | Award extract relating to allotments | early 19th century | Enclosure | Norton | South Yorkshire |
RD/DON/2/270 | Award, copy | 13 Feb 1818 | Enclosure | Norton | South Yorkshire |
RD/DON/2/274 | Copy of 1814 map | mid 20th century | Enclosure | Norton | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/E1/4/1 | Correspondence | about 1812 | Enclosure | Norton | South Yorkshire |
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