Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/STAN/5/46 Sale catalogue for Leicester Avenue 1979-1989 Sales Catalogues Intake South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/5/45 Sale catalogue for property 1979-1988 Sales Catalogues Doncaster, Cherry Lane South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/5/45 Sale catalogues 1979-1988 Sales Catalogues Doncaster, College Road South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/5/45 Sale catalogues for property 1979-1988 Sales Catalogues Doncaster, Elwis Street South Yorkshire
DS/NCIT/ADD/1/4/20 Correspondence regarding line between Lewes and Uckfield 1979-1987 Railways Uckfield Sussex
DS/NCIT/ADD/1/4/20 Correspondence regarding line between Lewes and Uckfield 1979-1987 Railways Lewes Sussex
DY/STAN/6/29 Warmsworth Road 1979-1986 Photographs Balby South Yorkshire
DS/NCIT/ADD/4/2/19 Correspondence with various organisations relating to King's Cross and St Pancras Action Area Plan 1979-1984 Organisations King's Cross London
DS/NCIT/ADD/4/2/19 Correspondence with various organisations relating to King's Cross and St Pancras Action Area Plan 1979-1984 Organisations St Pancras London
DD/PROSS/3/109 WEA [Workers' Educational Association] courses 1979-1983 Schools Rye Sussex

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