Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DY/GBF/2/1 | Act | 1795 | Enclosure | Epworth | Lincolnshire |
DX/WALK/4/3 | Draft award, pages 1-37 | late 18th century | Enclosure | Epworth | Lincolnshire |
DX/WALK/4/4 | Draft award, pages 39-107 | late 18th century | Enclosure | Epworth | Lincolnshire |
DX/WALK/2/41 | Act | 1802 | Enclosure | Farworth | Nottinghamshire |
DX/WALK/2/2 | Act | 1821 | Enclosure | Felstead | Essex |
DX/WALK/2/7 | Act for East and West Fens | 1801 | Enclosure | Fens | Lincolnshire |
DZ/MZ/89 | Copy of award of 21 November 1780 | mid 20th century | Enclosure | Fenwick | South Yorkshire |
DX/WALK/2/8 | Act | 1801 | Enclosure | South Ferriby | Lincolnshire |
DD/COV/11/2 | Declaration of a sum received under the Swanland Inclosure Act | 31 Dec 1840 | Enclosure | Ferriby | Lincolnshire |
DX/TB/3/1 | Award | 2 Jan 1778 | Enclosure | Finningley | South Yorkshire |
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