Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DP/6909 Building control plan of alterations and additions to the schools Oct 1930 Schools Doncaster, Hyde Park South Yorkshire
MB/CEM/1 Cemetery records 1854-1994 County Borough Doncaster, Hyde Park South Yorkshire
MB/EDUC/3/17 Managers' and governors' minutes for First School 1984-1989 Schools Doncaster, Hyde Park South Yorkshire
SY/59/Z1/1 Cemetery about 1910 Photographs Doncaster, Hyde Park South Yorkshire
SY/59/Z1/1 Photograph of cemetery about 1910 County Borough Doncaster, Hyde Park South Yorkshire
AB/7/8/12/106/1-5 Draft transfer of mortgage securities relating to the cemetery Nov 1915 Deeds Doncaster, Hyde Park South Yorkshire
AB/7/8/12/106/1-5 Draft transfer of mortgage securities relating to the cemetery Nov 1915 County Borough Doncaster, Hyde Park South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/4 Proposed layout, drainage and planting at the cemetery 1852 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Hyde Park South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/4 Plan of proposed layout, drainage and planting at the cemetery 1852 County Borough Doncaster, Hyde Park South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/5 Cemetery 1854 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Hyde Park South Yorkshire

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