Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DZ/MD/565/4 | Coalowners' Association; arbitrator's award | 3 Apr 1941 | Coal Mining | South Yorkshire | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/565/4 | Coalowners' Association; arbitrator's award | 3 Apr 1941 | Organisations | South Yorkshire | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/565/47-49 | Price lists for collieries | 1930-1944 | Coal Mining | South Yorkshire | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/462/26 | Fabric of the Past: Some Listed Buildings in South Yorkshire | 1970s | Estate | South Yorkshire | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/462/26 | Fabric of the Past: Some Listed Buildings in South Yorkshire | 1970s | Publications | South Yorkshire | South Yorkshire |
DY/GBF/4/3/6 | Proof of evidence on Navigation Bill | 1889 | Land Drainage | South Yorkshire | South Yorkshire |
DY/GBF/8/1-3 | Parliamentary plans for Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation | 1899 | Land Drainage | South Yorkshire | South Yorkshire |
DY/GBF/8/1-3 | Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation | 1899 | Maps/Plans | South Yorkshire | South Yorkshire |
DZ/BEASTALL/2/23 | Eastern part [Photograph] | 1750 | Maps/Plans | South Yorkshire | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/B1/2/5 | Railway network | 1862 | Maps/Plans | South Yorkshire | South Yorkshire |
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