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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/WAR/A2/3 Spansyke Close 1896 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A2/11 Proposed streets early 20th century Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62163/1 New streets off Hexthorpe Lane early 20th century Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62163/2 New streets early 20th century Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DD/MO/7/1 Building land 1901 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
MB/FIN/3/6/5 Bull Field 1910 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
P67/3/E2 Church site 1914 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
P67/3/E3 Proposed new vestries at the parish church about 1925 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/9/124-125 Urban Road 1961 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
NM/17/14/2 Methodist chapel, hall and kitchen about 1964 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire

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