Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P81/9/B22 Altered apportionment and plan 1903 Tithe Worsbrough South Yorkshire
P81/9/B22 Tithe 1903 Maps/Plans Worsbrough South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61488 Correspondence and draft deeds relating to an assignment of colliery and premises 1849-1850 Coal Mining Worsbrough South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61488 Draft deeds and other items relating to an assignment of colliery and premises 1849-1850 Deeds Worsbrough South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64376 Lease of coal bed 1854 Coal Mining Worsbrough South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64376 Lease of coal bed 1854 Deeds Worsbrough South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60978 Correspondence, plan and draft deeds relating to land leased to the Worsborough Iron Company 1863 Business Worsbrough South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60978 Draft deeds and other items relating to land leased to the Worsborough Iron Company 1863 Deeds Worsbrough South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60978 Land 1863 Maps/Plans Worsbrough South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/MAP 56 Coal ownership and development 1859 Maps/Plans Worsbrough Bridge South Yorkshire

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