Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/WAR/A1/16-17 Draft leases of arable land 28 Sep 1648 Deeds Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A1/18 Draft lease of Land in Nether and Upper Furlough 28 Sep 1648 Deeds Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A1/23 Lease of lands 25 Sep 1683 Deeds Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A1/27 Exchange of lands including Little Field Close, Hexthorpe Lane Close and Shoulder of Mutton Close 19 Jan 1811 Deeds Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A1/29 Lease and release of land Dec 1812 Deeds Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A1/30 Exchange of land about 1830 Deeds Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A2/3 Draft conveyance of Spansyke Close 1896 Deeds Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A2/6 Correspondence relating to sale of land to South Yorkshire Joint Railway 1906 Railways Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A2/7 Lease of Nether Furlong Close adjoining Barnstone Street for allotment gardens 9 May 1917 Deeds Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A2/12 Notices of land required 1902-1903 Railways Hexthorpe South Yorkshire

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