Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
AB/7/6/84 | Messuage and hereditaments | 1911 | Maps/Plans | Tickhill | South Yorkshire |
SY/29/Z1/11-15 | Lady Battie-Wrightson and the Territorials at Cusworth Hall [Postcards] | 1911 | Photographs | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
SY/29/Z1/11-15 | Postcards of Lady Battie-Wrightson and the Territorials at Cusworth Hall | 1911 | Estate | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
SY/29/Z1/11-15 | Postcards of Lady Battie-Wrightson and the Territorials at Cusworth Hall | 1911 | Military | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/850/3/3 | View [Postcard] | 1911 | Photographs | Shipley Glen | West Yorkshire |
AB/ARCH/1/870 | Proposed alteration to water closet at Belle Vue House | 1911 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Haigh's Close | South Yorkshire |
AB/ARCH/1/870 | Plan of proposed alteration to water closet at Belle Vue House | 1911 | Estate | Doncaster, Haigh's Close | South Yorkshire |
AB/ARCH/1/7-8 | Land on Cross Street | 1911 | Maps/Plans | Balby | South Yorkshire |
AB/TREAS/2/28/12 | Corporation Light Railways (Extension) Order | 1911 | Railways | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DD/COO/1145 | Land near Cawdor Street | 1911 | Maps/Plans | Bentley | South Yorkshire |
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