Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/HATT/7/8 Merger of tithe rent charge in the freehold land in Station Road and Oxford Road 23 Sep 1903 Deeds Mexborough South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/7/8 Deed of merger of tithe rent charge in the freehold land in Station Road and Oxford Road 23 Sep 1903 Tithe Mexborough South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/7/9 Copy draft indenture of covenant for payment of annual sums of money by the Mexborough and Swinton Tramways Company 31 Dec 1906 Deeds Mexborough South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/7/9 Copy draft indenture of covenant for payment of annual sums of money by the Mexborough and Swinton Tramways Company 31 Dec 1906 Business Mexborough South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/7/13 Draft agreement as to the letting of the public library as a Cinematograph 1910 Deeds Mexborough South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/10/1-2 Draft appointments of trustees of National Schools and Ellershaw Memorial Schools 1926-1938 Schools Mexborough South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/11/2 Draft agreement for the sale and purchase of land on Helena Street, in Lay Clay Field and Coal Pit Close 11 Apr 1894 Deeds Mexborough South Yorkshire
NM/36/6/2 Methodist chapel schedules 1849 Nonconformist Churches Mexborough South Yorkshire
NM/46 Primitive Methodist circuit records 1873-1916 Nonconformist Churches Mexborough South Yorkshire
NM/59/3/15/7-9 Methodist circuit records 1983 Nonconformist Churches Mexborough South Yorkshire

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