Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MB/PLAN/3/2 Ordnance Survey annotated to show loss of hedgerows about 1978 Ordnance Survey Hickleton South Yorkshire
MB/PLAN/3/3 Ordnance Survey annotated to show loss of hedgerows about 1986 Ordnance Survey Hickleton South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 276.9 1906 Ordnance Survey Hickleton South Yorkshire
P42/7/3 Return and Digest of Endowed Charities 1894 Organisations Hickleton South Yorkshire
P42/10/1 Agreement between owners and occupiers of houses and lands to prosecute felons 1803 Organisations Hickleton South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/94 Corn accounts 1776-1782 Other Local Government Hickleton South Yorkshire
P42/7/2 Account of enquiry 1894 Other Local Government Hickleton South Yorkshire
P/ARCH/1/16 File relating to registration of coal mining land belonging to the parish, with plan and deed extract 1938-1945 Anglican Parish Hickleton South Yorkshire
P/ARCH/1/16 File relating to registration of coal mining land belonging to the parish, with plan and deed extract 1938-1945 Coal Mining Hickleton South Yorkshire
P/ARCH/1/16 Extract from deed relating to coal mining 1829 Deeds Hickleton South Yorkshire

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