Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
SY/22/Z1/8 | Militia lists | 1831 | Military | Barnsley | South Yorkshire |
SY/22/Z1/7 | Militia lists | 1825 | Military | West Bretton | West Yorkshire |
SY/22/Z1/7 | Militia lists | 1825 | Military | Brierley | South Yorkshire |
SY/22/Z1/7 | Militia lists | 1825 | Military | Chevet | West Yorkshire |
SY/22/Z1/7 | Militia lists | 1825 | Military | Cudworth | South Yorkshire |
SY/22/Z1/7 | Militia lists | 1825 | Military | Monk Bretton | South Yorkshire |
DD/NUT/1/17 | Military operation | 1943-1944 | Maps/Plans | Cassino | Italy |
DD/NUT/1/17 | Military operation | 1943-1944 | Maps/Plans | Salerno | Italy |
DD/NUT/1/14 | Military map of Matruh | 1941 | Maps/Plans | Egypt | Egypt |
AB/ARCH/1/1688 | Military hut conversions | 1947 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, North Bridge | South Yorkshire |
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