Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DS/53/4/60 | Mill Dam, Colliery, Grammar School, Mining and Technical Institute [Postcards] | early-mid 20th century | Photographs | Hemsworth | West Yorkshire |
SY/22/Z1/11 | Militia papers for the wapentake | 1803-1811 | Military | Strafforth | South Yorkshire |
SY/22/Z1/11 | Militia papers for the wapentake | 1803-1811 | Other Local Government | Strafforth | South Yorkshire |
SY/22/Z1/11 | Militia papers for the wapentake | 1803-1811 | Other Local Government | Tickhill | South Yorkshire |
SY/22/Z1/11 | Militia papers for the wapentake | 1803-1811 | Military | Tickhill | South Yorkshire |
SY/22/Z1/11 | Militia papers for the wapentake | 1803-1811 | Military | Skyrack | West Yorkshire |
SY/22/Z1/11 | Militia papers for the wapentake | 1803-1811 | Other Local Government | Skyrack | West Yorkshire |
SY/22/Z1/11 | Militia papers for the wapentake | 1803-1811 | Other Local Government | Claro | North Yorkshire |
SY/22/Z1/11 | Militia papers for the wapentake | 1803-1811 | Military | Claro | North Yorkshire |
SY/22/Z1/11 | Militia papers for the wapentake | 1803-1811 | Other Local Government | Claro | West Yorkshire |
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