Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DS/120/2/1 Focus on OPUS [Organisation for Parents Under Stress] magazine 1986 Publications Doncaster, Priory Place South Yorkshire
DZ/SMITH/12/37 Doncaster and District Old Inns and Taverns, P. Tuffrey 1986 Publications Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/SMITH/12/37 Doncaster and District Old Inns and Taverns, P. Tuffrey 1986 Business Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/396/4 Schedule of deeds 1558-1962 relating to the Volunteer Inn 1986 Deeds Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/396/4 Schedule of deeds 1558-1962 relating to the Volunteer Inn 1986 Business Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
P1/1/G5/21 Order of service for Girl Guides Association and the Scout Association Thinking Day and Founder's Day at Westminster Abbey 1986 Anglican Parish Westminster London
P1/1/G5/21 Order of service for Girl Guides Association and the Scout Association Thinking Day and Founder's Day at Westminster Abbey 1986 Organisations Westminster London
P1/1/G5/23 Order of service for worship at the Sheffield Diocese conference 1986 Anglican Parish Swanwick Derbyshire
P1/1/G5/23 Order of service for worship at the Sheffield Diocese conference in Swanwick, Derbyshire 1986 Anglican Parish Sheffield South Yorkshire
MB/LEAD/1/160 Borough Council publication on the community 1986 Publications Southwark London

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