Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/349 Plans and specifications of miners' cottages on Darlington Grove 1910-1919 Coal Mining Thorne South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/349 Miners' cottages on Darlington Grove 1910-1919 Maps/Plans Thorne South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/388-391 Stands, tracks, proposed hotel and dressing room 1910-1919 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Racecourse South Yorkshire
DP/774-785 Building control plans of Buckingham Road 1910-1920 Maps/Plans Wheatley South Yorkshire
DP/2877-2896 Building control plans of properties 1910-1922 Maps/Plans Doncaster, North Bridge Road South Yorkshire
DP/2325-2336 Building control plans of properties 1910-1922 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Lawn Avenue South Yorkshire
DD/WN/B12/1-10 St John Ambulance Association administration 1910-1938 Organisations Osgoldcross West Riding of Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/864-868 Stands, catering and conveniences 1910-1938 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Racecourse South Yorkshire
DD/WN/A11/2-4 Lease of land by the Ackton Hall Coal Company 1910-1945 Coal Mining Pontefract West Yorkshire
DD/WN/A11/2-4 Lease of land by the Ackton Hall Coal Company 1910-1945 Deeds Pontefract West Yorkshire

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