Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MIC/10 Bishop's Transcripts 1720-1841 Bishop's Transcripts Hook East Yorkshire
P39/2/B2 Memorandum of agreement regarding herbage of the common, lanes and waste grounds 1797 Deeds Hook East Yorkshire
P39/9/A1 Copy of the 1768 act about 1890 Enclosure Hook East Yorkshire
P39/9/A2 Copy of the 1775 award 1890 Enclosure Hook East Yorkshire
P39/10/23 Street lighting mid 20th century Maps/Plans Hook East Yorkshire
P39/3/E4 Parish church and land 1938 Maps/Plans Hook East Yorkshire
P39/2/B14 Parish late 19th century Maps/Plans Hook East Yorkshire
P39/2/B5 6 inch showing glebe lands about 1854 Ordnance Survey Hook East Yorkshire
DY/DAW/9/149 Auction sale catalogue for a freehold agricultural property 11 Apr 1945 Sales Catalogues Hook East Yorkshire
P50/9/B4 Apportionment and map 1843 Tithe Hook East Yorkshire

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