Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DS/53/1/130-132 Photographs of the Church of the Ascension 1920s-1930s Nonconformist Churches Maltby South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/4/3 Postcard of St Bartholomew's church 1986-1987 Anglican Parish Maltby South Yorkshire
DS/53/4/43 Postcard of the interior of St Bartholomew's church early-mid 20th century Anglican Parish Maltby South Yorkshire
DS/53/1/126 Photograph of St Bartholomew's church 1920s-1930s Anglican Parish Maltby South Yorkshire
MIC/18 Bishop's Transcripts 1603-1836 Bishop's Transcripts Maltby South Yorkshire
DS/53/4/43 Postcard of Queens Hotel early-mid 20th century Business Maltby South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/6/50 Photograph of Millindale Warehouse 1980s Business Maltby South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/4/3 1961 statistics 1986-1987 Census Maltby South Yorkshire
MQ/11/1-5 Report on 1923 explosion at Maltby Main Colliery 1923-1931 Coal Mining Maltby South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/565/5 Report on 1923 explosion at Maltby Main Colliery 1924 Coal Mining Maltby South Yorkshire

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