Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/BW/L23 Warrant to levy poor rate 22 Apr 1791 Civil Parish Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/L24-48 Settlement certificates 1715-1777 Civil Parish Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/L49-57 Settlement examinations 1755-1783 Civil Parish Warmsworth South Yorkshire
AB/RATE/42 Direction sheets 1956-1963 County Borough Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61495 Abstract of title to an estate 1912-1913 Deeds Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61495 Abstract of title 1912-1913 Estate Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61505 Agreement for a lease, abstracts of title and conveyance relating to property of Miss E.C. Jarratt 1920-1928 Deeds Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/367/3 Exemplification of common recovery relating to the manor and advowson of the parish church 28 Nov 1634 Deeds Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/367/3 Exemplification of common recovery relating to the manor and advowson of the parish church 28 Nov 1634 Anglican Parish Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/367/3 Exemplification of common recovery relating to the manor and advowson of the parish church 28 Nov 1634 Manorial Warmsworth South Yorkshire

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