Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DS/53/4/32 | Postcard of the Fox and Hounds | early-mid 20th century | Business | Wadworth | South Yorkshire |
AB/PLAN/1/14-26 | Public local inquiries into Wadworth to Hatfield section of the M18 Rotherham to Goole motorway | 1971 | Other Local Government | Wadworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BW/L59 | Statement by residents concerning tax | 1 Mar 1693 | Other Local Government | Wadworth | South Yorkshire |
P21/7/3/2-4 | Reading room account book | 1878-1925 | Organisations | Wadworth | South Yorkshire |
P21/7/3/1 | Reading room committee minute book | 1878-1907 | Organisations | Wadworth | South Yorkshire |
P21/7/2/10-11 | Registers of deposits and withdrawals in the Penny Bank | 1915-1919 | Business | Wadworth | South Yorkshire |
P21/7/2/9 | Contributions book for clothing club | 1907-1919 | Organisations | Wadworth | South Yorkshire |
P21/7/2/7 | List of contributors to the Adult Clothing Club | 1855-1859 | Organisations | Wadworth | South Yorkshire |
P21/7/2/4 | Rules of Funeral Society | 19th century | Organisations | Wadworth | South Yorkshire |
DZ/ML/3/10 | Primrose League programme of entertainments for the Jubilee Year | 1887 | Organisations | Wadworth | South Yorkshire |
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