Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DP/11502 | Building control plan of All Saints church | Aug 1939 | Maps/Plans | Intake | South Yorkshire |
DP/11502 | Building control plan of All Saints church | Aug 1939 | Anglican Parish | Intake | South Yorkshire |
MB/ARC/1/11 | Subject file and research notes on the history of the area | 1988 | Metropolitan Borough Council | Intake | South Yorkshire |
MB/EDUC/3/17 | Managers' and governors' minutes for First and Middle Schools | 1984-1989 | Schools | Intake | South Yorkshire |
MB/EDUC/3/18 | Managers' and governors' minutes for Sandringham First | 1984-1989 | Schools | Intake | South Yorkshire |
DP/8119-8122 | Building control plans of Strathmore Road | 1930-1931 | Maps/Plans | Intake | South Yorkshire |
DP/7582-7585 | Building control plans of houses and shops on Leicester Avenue | 1929 | Maps/Plans | Intake | South Yorkshire |
DP/7582-7585 | Building control plans of houses and shops on Leicester Avenue | 1929 | Business | Intake | South Yorkshire |
DP/7586 | Building control plan of house and shop at 33 Sandringham Road | Aug 1929 | Maps/Plans | Intake | South Yorkshire |
DP/7586 | Building control plan of house and shop at 33 Sandringham Road | Aug 1929 | Business | Intake | South Yorkshire |
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