Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/DC/E2/1/1/3 Minutes and papers about drainage 1804-1805 Land Drainage Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E2/1/2/17 Minutes and papers about drainage 1804-1805 Land Drainage Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E2/1/3/6 Minutes and papers about drainage 1804-1805 Land Drainage Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E2/2/10 Letter about drainage of Humberhead Stream into Old Ea Dyke 30 Dec 1846 Land Drainage Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/20/107 Plan of surface water drain at Humber Head Bridge 1920s Land Drainage Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/7/1 Copies of returns 1910 Land Tax Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
LTA/1 Returns 1803-1909 Land Tax Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
NM/77 Wesleyan Methodist church records 1901-2001 Nonconformist Churches Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
ASSESS Don Valley Assessment Committee 1927-1945 Other Local Government Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/20/7 Sheet 276 NE about 1905 Ordnance Survey Adwick le Street South Yorkshire

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