Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
SR/87 Council Junior Mixed 1930-1975 Schools Intake South Yorkshire
SR/88 Plover Junior Mixed Infants log book 1952-1978 Schools Intake South Yorkshire
SR/100 Martin Primary log books 1955-1977 Schools Intake South Yorkshire
SR/101 Robin Infants log book 1962-1978 Schools Intake South Yorkshire
SR/121 County Secondary Modern 1957-1978 Schools Intake South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62332 Extract from a lease of mines and coal seams 1803 Coal Mining Jordan South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62332 Extract from a mining lease 1803 Deeds Jordan South Yorkshire
P48 Records of St George 1880-1981 Anglican Parish Jump South Yorkshire
RDN/3/2/17 Parish files kept by Wath Rural Deanery 1975-1987 Anglican Parish Jump South Yorkshire
P47/4/G9/5 Service paper for unveiling and dedication of war memorial about 1919 Anglican Parish Jump South Yorkshire

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