Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/WN Papers of the Warde-Norbury family of Hooton Pagnell Hall 1826-1963 Estate Hooton Pagnell South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/85 Copies of rentals, accounts, surveys and other items relating to the Warde-Norbury family of Hooton Pagnell Hall 1258-1934 Estate Hooton Pagnell South Yorkshire
MC/1/21/71 Photographic block of the detention cell at Hooton Pagnell Hall 1939 Estate Hooton Pagnell South Yorkshire
DS/53/4/24 Postcard of Hooton Pagnell Hall early-mid 20th century Estate Hooton Pagnell South Yorkshire
DD/WN/A5/3 Memorandum on the closure of Hooton Pagnell Hall as a military hospital 1919 Hospitals Hooton Pagnell South Yorkshire
DD/WN/A5/3 Memorandum on the closure of Hooton Pagnell Hall as a military hospital 1919 Military Hooton Pagnell South Yorkshire
DD/WN/B13/1-5 Collection of eggs for West Riding hospitals 1924-1941 Hospitals Hooton Pagnell South Yorkshire
LTA/22 Assessments 1801-1926 Land Tax Hooton Pagnell South Yorkshire
DD/WN/A8/9 Copy returns 25 Oct 1910 Land Tax Hooton Pagnell South Yorkshire
DD/WN/A8/11 Copy returns for incumbent 15 Feb 1911 Land Tax Hooton Pagnell South Yorkshire

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