Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DD/WA/D2/13 | Travel diary | 1839 | Other Records | Ireland | Ireland |
DD/BW/F1/22 | Poem The Fall of Babylon | 1808 | Publications | Iraq | Iraq |
DS/14/4/2 | Research notes on war with Iran plus other related material | 1980-1982 | Other Records | Iraq | Iraq |
DD/WA/A10 | Chronological table of events in Babylon between 747BC-607BC | 1830s | Other Records | Iraq | Iraq |
DS/14/3/6 | Confederation of Iranian Students | 1978-1979 | Organisations | Iran | Iran |
DS/14/3/19 | Iranian Students Society | 1971-1976 | Organisations | Iran | Iran |
DS/14/4/2 | Research notes on war with Iraq | 1982 | Other Records | Iran | Iran |
DD/WA/A10 | Chronological table of events in Medea between 747BC-607BC | 1830s | Other Records | Iran | Iran |
DZ/SMITH/10/2 | Notes concerning three portraits at Christchurch Mansion | 24 Nov 1951 | Estate | Ipswich | Suffolk |
DS/112/1/1/5 | Official programme for the football match between Doncaster Belles and Ipswich Town | 8 Dec 1991 | Organisations | Ipswich | Suffolk |
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