Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
P1/1/G5/4 | Memorial service at Collegiate Church of St George the Martyr for those who died on 22 July 1946 at King David Hotel in service of the United Kingdom | Aug 1946 | Anglican Parish | Jerusalem | Israel |
DS/14/8/20 | Statements supporting the struggle against US [United States] imperialism | 1967 | Organisations | Japan | Japan |
DD/ADAM/2/20 | Tax certificate | 1971 | Other Local Government | Japan | Japan |
DD/WA/D2/9 | Travel diary | 1836 | Other Records | Janina | Albania |
DX/BAX/62391 | Papers relating to sale | 1819-1820 | Estate | Jamaica | Jamaica |
DD/NUT/3/13 | Italian campaign, archives of Lieutenant Colonel W.J. Nutter, 158 Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, Royal Artillery | May, Jul 1944 | Photographs | Italy | Italy |
DD/NUT/3/13 | Photographs relating to 158 Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, Royal Artillery | May, Jul 1944 | Military | Italy | Italy |
DD/NUT/1/17 | Military | 1943-1944 | Maps/Plans | Italy | Italy |
DD/NUT/1/17 | Maps relating to campaign | 1943-1944 | Military | Italy | Italy |
DZ/SMITH/2/BOX 3 | Brochures on Florence, Naples and Rome | 1950s | Publications | Italy | Italy |
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