Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DY/CRS/10/7-10 | Co-operative Retail Society records | 1927-1968 | Business | Kilnhurst | South Yorkshire |
P72/10/37 | Work and activities of the War Welfare Fund | 1940-1946 | Organisations | Kilnhurst | South Yorkshire |
P72/10/37 | Work and activities of the War Welfare Fund | 1940-1946 | Military | Kilnhurst | South Yorkshire |
P72/7/1 | Solicitor's account for the purchase of the Institute | 1907 | Organisations | Kilnhurst | South Yorkshire |
P72/10/21-25 | Presscuttings | 1909-1988 | Publications | Kilnhurst | South Yorkshire |
P72/10/30-31 | Copies of books concerning the history of the area | 1828-1980s | Publications | Kilnhurst | South Yorkshire |
P72/10/32 | Presscuttings and photocopies of books relating to the history of the area | 1980s | Publications | Kilnhurst | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/65181 | Book of reference for intended railway | 1837 | Railways | Kilnhurst | South Yorkshire |
P59/8/1/1 | Plan, elevation and accounts relating to mason's work | about 1835 | Schools | Kilnhurst | South Yorkshire |
P72/8/1 | Copy conveyance of school house and other buildings | 15 May 1869 | Schools | Kilnhurst | South Yorkshire |
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