Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/840/2/2 Music Festival at Kingfisher Infants School about 1953 Photographs Wheatley South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/437 Museum furnishings 1909 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Chequer Road South Yorkshire
DS/53/4/7 Museum and park [Postcards] early-mid 20th century Photographs Doncaster, Beechfield South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/764/1/22 Museum and Gallery about 1960 Photographs Doncaster, Beechfield South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/687/4 Museum and Art Gallery [Postcard] 1960s-1970s Photographs Doncaster, Chequer Road South Yorkshire
DY/PARK/12/7 Municipal Transport staff about 1920s Photographs Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/441 Municipal tenants handbook of Housing Committee 1950s County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/441 Municipal tenants handbook of Housing Committee 1950s Publications Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/WHIT/51 Municipal Tenants Handbook late 1950s County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
ABT/1/1-11 Municipal Charities records 1838-1973 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire

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