Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P81/9/B22 Altered apportionment and plan 1903 Tithe Worsbrough South Yorkshire
P81/9/B22 Tithe 1903 Maps/Plans Worsbrough South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/594/22 Methodist church 1903 Photographs Doncaster, Nether Hall Road South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/594/22 Photograph of Methodist church 1903 Nonconformist Churches Doncaster, Nether Hall Road South Yorkshire
NM/35/14/6 Methodist chapel [Photographic Plate] 1903 Photographs Doncaster, Nether Hall Road South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/2/1 Sheets 277.13 and 285.1 1903 Ordnance Survey Doncaster South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 286.2 1903 Ordnance Survey Doncaster, Carrside South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/2/2 Sheets 285.1 and 285.2 1903 Ordnance Survey Doncaster, Elmfield Park South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/23/31 Proposed bridge 1903 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Milethorn Lock South Yorkshire
DP/3051 Building control plan of additions to Doncaster Gazette office 1903 Business Doncaster, Manor Drive South Yorkshire

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