Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DX/WAR/A1/23 | Lease of lands | 25 Sep 1683 | Deeds | Hexthorpe | South Yorkshire |
DX/WAR/A1/27 | Exchange of lands including Little Field Close, Hexthorpe Lane Close and Shoulder of Mutton Close | 19 Jan 1811 | Deeds | Hexthorpe | South Yorkshire |
DX/WAR/A1/29 | Lease and release of land | Dec 1812 | Deeds | Hexthorpe | South Yorkshire |
DX/WAR/A1/30 | Exchange of land | about 1830 | Deeds | Hexthorpe | South Yorkshire |
DX/WAR/A1/30 | Exchange of land | about 1830 | Deeds | Hexthorpe Ings | South Yorkshire |
DX/WAR/A1/31 | Conveyance of land | 4 Jul 1831 | Deeds | Hexthorpe Ings | South Yorkshire |
DX/WAR/A2/3 | Draft conveyance of Spansyke Close | 1896 | Deeds | Hexthorpe | South Yorkshire |
DX/WAR/A2/4 | Land | 1900 | Maps/Plans | Hexthorpe Ings | South Yorkshire |
DX/WAR/A2/4 | Draft conveyance of land | 1900 | Deeds | Hexthorpe Ings | South Yorkshire |
DX/WAR/A2/5 | Draft conveyance of land | 1906 | Deeds | Hexthorpe Ings | South Yorkshire |
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