Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DD/GOS/390 | Conveyance of Kitchen Croft and Long Croft | 4 Mar 1876 | Deeds | Hatfield Woodhouse | South Yorkshire |
DD/GOS/376 | Conveyance of messuage and land | 19 Mar 1878 | Deeds | Hatfield Woodhouse | South Yorkshire |
DD/GOS/92 | Mortgage on allotment of land | 24 Sep 1870 | Deeds | Hatfield Lings | South Yorkshire |
DD/GOS/245 | Covenant to produce title deeds to land | 2 Mar 1872 | Deeds | Hatfield Lings | South Yorkshire |
DD/GOS/217 | Abstract of title to land | 1932 | Deeds | Morden | Surrey |
DD/GOS/245 | Covenant to produce title deeds to land | 2 Mar 1872 | Deeds | South Bramwith | South Yorkshire |
DD/GOS/404 | Requisitions on title regarding Long Croft and Kitchen Croft | 13 Nov 1890 | Deeds | Hatfield Woodhouse | South Yorkshire |
DD/GOS/397 | Abstract of title to Kitchen Croft and Long Croft | 1890 | Deeds | Hatfield Woodhouse | South Yorkshire |
DD/GOS/392 | Supplemental abstract of memorandum of charge on Kitchen Croft and Long Croft | 1890 | Deeds | Hatfield Woodhouse | South Yorkshire |
DD/GOS/205 | Abstract of title to lands and houses | 1902 | Deeds | Hatfield Woodhouse | South Yorkshire |
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