Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MB/LIB/2/45/1 Scrutiny Panel - Area Based Services minutes and agenda 2001 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
P26/10/C3 Memories and anecdotes of G. William Spivey 2000s Other Records Sykehouse South Yorkshire
MB/PLAN/4/9/7 Archaeological report on Holly House, Old Bawtry Road 2000s Organisations Finningley South Yorkshire
MB/PLAN/4/9/7 Holly House, Old Bawtry Road 2000s Maps/Plans Finningley South Yorkshire
DS/138 Finningley Locals Say Yes campaign papers 2000-2010 Organisations Finningley South Yorkshire
DS/119/6/1-2 Lists of candidates for elections 2000-2002 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
DS/NCIT/ADD/1/4/12 Correspondence with NCIT [National Council on Inland Transport] 2000-2001 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/LIB/2/29/1 Policy and Strategy Board minutes and agendas 2000-2001 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/LIB/2/41/1-2 Social Services Board minutes and agendas 2000-2001 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/LIB/2/42/1-2 Education and Culture Board minutes and agendas 2000-2001 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire

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