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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/ANON/3/1-3 Drainage records 1793-1896 Land Drainage Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/584 Report and map of drainage level 1776 Land Drainage Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire
DZ/ML/5/8 Cross section of drainage about 1876 Land Drainage Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire
DZ/ML/5/9 Section of drainage about 1876 Land Drainage Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E2/1/3/1 Report and map 7 Oct 1776 Land Drainage Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire
PR/THO/105/10 Copy of a map showing before and after drainage 1629 Land Drainage Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/498 Plan of main drainage systems for extension proposed under the 1918 Land Drainage Act 1920 Land Drainage Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire
DX/WALK/2/54 Warping and Improvement Act 1854 Land Drainage Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire
DX/WALK/2/54 Warping and Improvement Act 1854 Other Local Government Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire
DD/COV/10/1 Drainage Act 1787 Land Drainage Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire

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