Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MZ/30/P26 Township 1846 Maps/Plans Sutton South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/216/1 Townsend's map of the town [photocopy] [about 1769] Maps/Plans Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/574 Towns along the river 1923 Maps/Plans River Tyne River Tyne
AB/ARCH/1/574 Towns along River Tyne 1923 Maps/Plans Tyne & Wear Tyne & Wear
UD/BEN/4/26 Town planning proposals Apr 1945 Maps/Plans Bentley South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/1723 Town planning proposals 1946-1947 Maps/Plans Doncaster South Yorkshire
UD/BEN/4/26 Town planning proposals 1945 Maps/Plans Arksey South Yorkshire
AB/2/2/32/1-5 Town Planning Committee minutes 1943-1974 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
UD/ADW/2/86 Town planning 1924-1932 Maps/Plans Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/654/1 Town plan 1775 Maps/Plans Leeds West Yorkshire

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