Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
AB/8/1/B95 | Agreement and indemnity of new bridge | 15 Jul 1904 | Deeds | River Don | River Don |
AB/8/1/B36 | Agreement regarding lease and occupation of land | 20 May 1836 | Deeds | Crimpsall | South Yorkshire |
AB/8/1/B64/4 | Lease of adjoining land | 24 Aug 1841 | Deeds | Crimpsall | South Yorkshire |
AB/8/1/B59 | Draft contract and deed of covenant for improvement of navigation | 1840 | Deeds | River Don | River Don |
AB/8/1/B64/5 | Counterpart lease of river tolls | 24 Aug 1841 | Deeds | River Don | River Don |
AB/8/1/B66 | Draft lease of tolls | 1841 | Deeds | River Don | River Don |
AB/8/1/B94 | Attested copy of lease of tolls | 20 Sep 1898 | Deeds | River Don | River Don |
AB/8/1/B64/1-2 | Lease and release of parts | Aug 1841 | Deeds | Doncaster, Friar's Close | South Yorkshire |
AB/8/1/B85 | Draft of conveyance of land in Spansyke Close | 1 Jul 1852 | Deeds | Hexthorpe | South Yorkshire |
AB/8/1/B92 | Draft agreement of land | 24 Jan 1873 | Deeds | Hexthorpe | South Yorkshire |
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