Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
P50/9/A3 | Award | 1 Jun 1775 | Enclosure | Little Heck | North Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/471 | Act | 1772 | Enclosure | Little Heck | North Yorkshire |
DY/STAN/6/45 | General view | 1977 | Photographs | Little Gringley | Nottinghamshire |
DY/DAW/9/220 | Auction sale catalogue for the Grove estate, with plan and photographs | 23 Jul 1946 | Sales Catalogues | Little Gringley | Nottinghamshire |
DY/DAW/9/220 | Auction sale catalogue for the Grove estate, with plan and photographs | 23 Jul 1946 | Estate | Little Gringley | Nottinghamshire |
DY/DAW/9/220 | Estate | 1946 | Maps/Plans | Little Gringley | Nottinghamshire |
DY/DAW/9/220 | Estate | 1946 | Photographs | Little Gringley | Nottinghamshire |
DX/BAX/61279/1-9 | Title deeds relating to Great Furr Close and other lands | 1713-1790 | Deeds | Little Corringham | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/61285/1 | Abstract of title to land | 4 Aug 1760 | Deeds | Little Corringham | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/61285/2 | Abstracts of title to messuages, hereditaments and lands | 1801-1802 | Deeds | Little Corringham | Lincolnshire |
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