Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
AB/FIRE/2/1 | Report of fire at number 31 | 15 Aug 1913 | Other Records | Doncaster, Catherine Street | South Yorkshire |
DP/959-989 | Building control plans of properties | 1866-1915 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Catherine Street | South Yorkshire |
AB/TREAS/2/27/12 | 1:500 sheet annotated to show Central Redevelopment Area | about 1962 | Ordnance Survey | Doncaster, Catherine Street | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/5/81 | Copy of specification for sinking of well | 1871 | County Borough | Doncaster, Catherine Street | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/7/7/4-5 | Specification and draft contract for new sewer | 1870 | County Borough | Doncaster, Catherine Street | South Yorkshire |
DP/6330-6335 | Building control plans of properties | 1923-1926 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Catherine Street | South Yorkshire |
DP/6332 | Building control plan of additions to the vestry of St John's church | Dec 1923 | Anglican Parish | Doncaster, Catherine Street | South Yorkshire |
DP/6334 | Building control plan of shop front at number 14 | Feb 1924 | Business | Doncaster, Catherine Street | South Yorkshire |
DP/6335 | Building control plan of Spiritualist church | May 1926 | Nonconformist Churches | Doncaster, Catherine Street | South Yorkshire |
SY/515/F16/1-6 | Miscellaneous deeds relating to number 52 | 1869-1898 | Deeds | Doncaster, Catherine Street | South Yorkshire |
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