Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DS/46 Victoria Hall 1899-1963 Maps/Plans Hatfield South Yorkshire
DY/BRI/17/1-38 Records of Glaholm and Robson 1899-1963 Business Sunderland Tyne & Wear
AB/2/2/9/1-4 Baths Committee minutes 1899-1964 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
DS/46 Victoria Hall records 1899-1969 Organisations Hatfield South Yorkshire
AB/2/2/16/1-13 Electricity and Transport Committee minutes 1899-1974 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
NM/34 St Andrew's United Methodist Church records 1899-1991 Nonconformist Churches Wheatley South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E3/5/1 Survey of a farm 18th century Estate Bentley South Yorkshire
P14/1/A7 List of manorial lords: William I to 1766 18th century Manorial Bentley South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E5/37 House 18th century Maps/Plans Bentley South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E3/7/2 Particular of farm 18th century Estate Busby North Yorkshire

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