Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DZ/COLES/41 | Tram Company vehicle registration logbooks | 1929-1948 | Business | Swinton | South Yorkshire |
P59/6/B8/1 | Account of all the inhabited houses | 1801 | Census | Swinton | South Yorkshire |
P59/6/B8/2 | Account of the population | 1821-1831 | Census | Swinton | South Yorkshire |
P59/6/B8/3 | 1831 returns | 1831 | Census | Swinton | South Yorkshire |
P50/10/39 | Notice of population census | 1831 | Census | Swinton | South Yorkshire |
P59/6/C3/1/1-19 | Militia lists | 1796-1831 | Military | Swinton | South Yorkshire |
P59/6/C3/2/1-4 | Schedule A returns for militia | 1803-1815 | Military | Swinton | South Yorkshire |
P59/6/C3/4/1-12 | Miscellaneous militia papers | 1779-1812 | Military | Swinton | South Yorkshire |
DX/HATT/5/8 | Copy draft conveyance of coal seam | 28 Dec 1897 | Coal Mining | Swinton | South Yorkshire |
DX/HATT/5/8 | Copy draft conveyance of coal seam | 28 Dec 1897 | Deeds | Swinton | South Yorkshire |
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