Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
AB/7/5/8 | Specification for erection of four semi-detached cottages | 18 Jul 1868 | County Borough | Long Sandall | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/5/31 | Specification for building of dwelling house and farm premises on the common | 18 Dec 1877 | County Borough | Long Sandall | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/5/53 | Specification for alterations and repairs to farm premises | 25 May 1891 | County Borough | Long Sandall | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/5/54 | Specification for roof repairs to premises | 25 May 1891 | County Borough | Long Sandall | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/5/59 | Specification for painting property | 1 Oct 1894 | County Borough | Long Sandall | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/5/67 | Specification for roofing a hold yard | 13 Nov 1897 | County Borough | Long Sandall | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/5/92 | Specification for alterations to dwelling house and farm premises | late 19th century | County Borough | Long Sandall | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/7/11/1 | Contract and specification for the erection of four semi-detached cottages | 1 Jun 1869 | County Borough | Long Sandall | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/7/11/2 | Contract and specifications for building a house and farm buildings on the common | 1 Aug 1878 | County Borough | Long Sandall | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/7/12/8 | Agreement for tenancy of farm | 25 Jan 1923 | Deeds | Long Sandall | South Yorkshire |
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