Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/DAW/12/24 Auction sale catalogue for property, with plans 1899 Sales Catalogues Holme South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/459/6 Receipted account from Walter Newbert, printer, for circulars for Conisbrough Liberal Association 1899 Business Mexborough South Yorkshire
DY/BRB/4/2 Ordnance geological survey of part of line 1899 Railways Middlesex Middlesex
DY/BRB/4/2 Ordnance geological survey of part of railway line 1899 Ordnance Survey Middlesex Middlesex
P61/2/B7 Correspondence with Ecclesiastical Commissioners regarding glebe land 1899 Anglican Parish Misson Nottinghamshire
DY/MERRY/2/6 Sheets 3.7, 3.8, 3.11, 3.12 1899 Ordnance Survey Misson Nottinghamshire
DY/BRB/6/1-2 Plan 1899 Railways Newark Nottinghamshire
DY/BRB/6/1-2 Railway 1899 Maps/Plans Newark Nottinghamshire
DY/BRB/14/16 Plans 1899 Railways Newark Nottinghamshire
DY/BRB/14/16 Railway 1899 Maps/Plans Newark Nottinghamshire

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