Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DY/GBF/14/5 | Annotated sheet showing catchment basins of rivers | 1871 | Ordnance Survey | Wales | Wales |
DY/GBF/14/4 | Geological | Jan 1866 | Maps/Plans | England | England |
DY/GBF/14/4 | Geological survey | Jan 1866 | Maps/Plans | Wales | Wales |
DY/GBF/14/3 | Report on decay of stone of new palace | Aug 1861 | Business | Westminster | London |
DY/GBF/14/2 | Catchment basins of rivers | Feb 1861 | Ordnance Survey | England | England |
DY/GBF/14/2 | Annotated sheet showing catchment basins of rivers | Feb 1861 | Ordnance Survey | Wales | Wales |
DY/GBF/14/12 | Newspaper cutting concerning the presentation of Bunting's papers to the university | 1989 | Schools | York | North Yorkshire |
DY/GBF/14/12 | Newspaper cutting concerning the presentation of Bunting's papers to the university | 1989 | Publications | York | North Yorkshire |
DY/GBF/14/10 | Survey | 1980 | Land Drainage | Yorkshire | Yorkshire |
DY/GBF/14/10 | Land drainage | 1980 | Maps/Plans | Yorkshire | Yorkshire |
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