Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/MAP 81 Navigation 1898 Maps/Plans River Calder River Calder
P52/10/5 Programme for the Rainbow Bazaar 1898 Anglican Parish Rotherham South Yorkshire
P52/10/5 Programme for the Rainbow Bazaar 1898 Publications Rotherham South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/9/85 Freehold properties 1898 Maps/Plans Walden Stubbs North Yorkshire
DD/DC/E10/10 Freehold properties 1898 Maps/Plans Walden Stubbs North Yorkshire
DD/DC/E10/10 Properties 1898 Maps/Plans Sutton South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/9/85 Anne Arms Inn 1898 Maps/Plans Sutton South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/9/85 Anne Arms Inn [Illustration] 1898 Photographs Sutton South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/84/1 Copy photograph of congregation of Methodist church outside the chapel on King Street 1898 Nonconformist Churches Thorne South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/880/1/69 Limestone Hill Farm 1898 Maps/Plans Tickhill South Yorkshire

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