Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/7/4/246 Exemplification of an inquisition of 1464 about forfeiture 12 Feb 1610 Manorial Rossington South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/246 Exemplification of an inquisition of 1464 about the forfeiture of the manor 12 Feb 1610 Manorial Doncaster South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/65168/13 Feoffment of messuage near the Magdalens churchyard 12 Feb 1635 Deeds Doncaster, New Street South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/65168/13 Feoffment of land in the Clay Pitts 12 Feb 1636 Deeds Wheatley South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/1170/C2 Decree for the toll for weighing wool 12 Feb 1651 Other Local Government Doncaster, Market Place South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/560 Settlement of lands and messuage called Holmehouse 12 Feb 1705 Deeds Thorpe in Balne South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/560 Settlement on lands 12 Feb 1705 Deeds Burghwallis South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/560 Settlement relating to lands 12 Feb 1705 Deeds Sutton South Yorkshire
DD/COO/553 Deed to lead to uses of a fine relating to messuage and lands 12 Feb 1766 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/553 Deed to lead to uses of a fine relating to lands 12 Feb 1766 Deeds Shaftholme South Yorkshire

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