Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DP/8571-8572 Building control plans showing sewers and water drains 1936-1937 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/8664-8688 Building control plans of Adlard Road 1933-1937 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/8698 Building control plan of 1-5 Greenhouse Road Nov 1933 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/8699 Building control plan of 1-5 Sandall Rise Dec 1933 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
MB/EDUC/3/19 Managers' and governors' minutes for Middle School 1984-1989 Schools Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/8134-8135 Building control plans of 31-37 Sandcliffe Road 1933 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/8403-8404 Building control plans of surface water drains on The Grove 1926-1927 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/8405-8410 Building control plans of development 1927-1928 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/8411-8412 Building control plans of sewers on Crossways 1930-1931 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/8413 Building control plan of new streets and sewers Nov 1931 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire

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