Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MQ17/6 Colliery explosion scene 1931 Maps/Plans Bentley South Yorkshire
DY/BRI/1/6/48 Colliery haulage rope 1931 Photographs Gateshead Tyne & Wear
DZ/MZ/113/1-3 Colliery leases 1905-1919 Deeds Brodsworth South Yorkshire
MQ/15/29 Colliery machine 1938 Photographs Wharncliffe South Yorkshire
DD/MF/ADD/17 Colliery pit head and winding gear 1970s Photographs Denaby Main South Yorkshire
P80/10/33 Colliery pit-head winding towers [Postcard] May 1985 Photographs Thorne South Yorkshire
P80/10/4 Colliery price list for workers 1929 Coal Mining Thorne South Yorkshire
BT/356/21645 Colliery Railway and Wharf 1926 Maps/Plans Thorne South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/509/2 Colliery Railway and Wharf 1927 Maps/Plans Thorne South Yorkshire
DS/131/6/098 Colliery railway branch line 1906 Maps/Plans Maltby South Yorkshire

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