Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/PEG/25/1 Photograph album of engineering works of Newman, Hender and Company 1928-1929 Business Woodchester Gloucestershire
DZ/MD/432/1 Photograph album of civic exchange visits between Doncaster Council and St Germain en Laye, France 1950s County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/458/3 Photograph album of cinema buildings early 1980s Business Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/670/1 Photograph 1960s Schools Burghwallis South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/630/17 Photograph early 20th century Anglican Parish Doncaster, Christ Church South Yorkshire
SY/59/Z1/1 Photograph about 1910 Anglican Parish Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/195 Photocopy regarding court case of the King against the Corporation [1564-1566] County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
PR/BRAITH/5/5 Photocopy of schedule of claims of 1850s late 20th century Enclosure Braithwell South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/68/1 Photocopy of cash disbursement book of George Cooke 1739 Estate Bentley South Yorkshire
DD/MF/ADD/8 Photocopy of a Foreign Office file on the arrest of a Russian editor 1913 Other Records Alexandria Egypt

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